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正文 #走了的人再也不会回来°㎜㎜

书名:拽拽公主伪平凡  类别:都市言情  作者:Evil.female、落 || 错误/举报 更新/提醒 投票推荐







    “who are those little girls in pain

    just trapped in castle of dark side of moon

    twelve of them shining bright in vain

    like flowers that blossom just onbsp;in years

    they're dang in the shadow like whispers of love

    just drea迷ng of plabsp;where they`re free as dove

    they`ve never been allowed to love in this cursed cage

    it's only the fairy tale they believe

    they're dang in the shadow like whispers of love

    just drea迷ng of plabsp;where they`re free as dove

    they've never been allowed to love in this cursed cage

    it's only the fairy tale they believe

    who are those little girls in pain

    just trapped in castle of dark side of moon

    twelve of them shining bright in vain

    like flowers that blossom just onbsp;in years

    they're dang in the shadow like whispers of love

    just drea迷ng of plabsp;where they`re free as dove

    they`ve never been allowed to love in this cursed cage

    it's only the fairy tale they believe

    they're dang in the shadow like whispers of love

    just drea迷ng of plabsp;where they`re free as dove

    they've never been allowed to love in this cursed cage

    it's only the fairy tale they believe”

    【it's only the fairy tale宫村优子】




























    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////                 ‘‘我从来都没有喜欢过你!!!’’

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